We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Funding available for charities supporting health

The NHS Charities Together investment is the Captain Tom fund. If you work in the VCSE sector – Volunteer, Charity, or Social Enterprise – please read on as this fund is designed to support your organisation.

Thanks to the amazing fundraising efforts of Captain Sir Tom Moore, the NHS Charities Together (NHSCT) has received an incredible amount of generous donations. Sir Tom’s donations totalled over £140M to support the NHS nationwide. And his efforts have also been supplemented by an additional £33M in each NHS region to support the Covid response within our communities.

In total, over £445,000 is available over two years to support Norfolk and Waveney communities. The funding will be used to develop partnerships between the VCSE sector and the NHS. The fund aims to support health improvements in communities that have been hit hardest by Covid-19.

Community group holding hands

The organisations within the VCSE sector play a critical role in supporting some of Norfolk and Waveney’s most impacted communities. Substantial funding is now available to support these groups to further support Covid recovery.

Who can apply?

Any voluntary organisation, charity, or social enterprise operating in Norfolk and Waveney can apply. These organisations should also be able to demonstrate their ability to support vulnerable groups or communities.

What type of activity can be funded?

The fund is open to innovation and conversation around new ideas that will support communities. This may include:

Proposals must also demonstrate a strong link to health services, and have direct engagement with the NHS.

You may have a good idea, but feel you need help with NHS connectivity to make it a success. We can offer support, and also work with you to help you develop your idea. Please email us at [email protected] and we’ll do what we can to create connections.

Deadline for initial expressions of interest is 14 June 2021.

The funding information page at Norfolk Community Foundation contains more information about the fund, who can apply, and what types of activity can be funded.