We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Age UK seeking Health @ Home volunteers

Age UK’s Health @ Home team will help those over 50 maintain a healthy lifestyle at home and help them achieve their fitness goals.

A fantastic volunteering opportunity working with AgeUK has arisen for people living in Norfolk. COVID-19 has brought its own challenges and difficulties. Among these, many people have been required to stay at home, whether for shielding or self-isolation, which in itself has reduced the amount of activity people take part in.

Age UK are seeking volunteers for their Health @ Home team – a group dedicated to helping over 50’s maintain an active lifestyle. The trained instructors in the Health @ Home team will visit either the client’s home or somewhere local to them and offer fun sessions to help keep active. They also offer support on other things, like help getting online.

Working with one of these instructors you will be visiting the client’s homes together and your role will be to assist the instructor in delivering the session. This could be in ensuring the client is doing the exercise correctly, doing the activity with them, making sure the client is confident in what they are doing, and offering support and encouragement.

Training will be provided, including first aid training and mental health training.

This role is a fantastic opportunity to get involved with Age UK’s vital work with those over 50, and make a difference to the lives of many through physical activity. For volunteers who want to develop their skills there is an opportunity to undertake a seated exercise qualification.

For more information about the role, click the button below to be taken to AgeUK’s website.