We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Get Yourself Active: Toolkit to help those with long-term conditions get active

Get Yourself Active is a programme funded by Sport England and led by Disability Right’s UK.

They work alongside disabled people and disabled people’s user led organisations (DPULOs) to lead change in the social care, health and sport sectors, in order to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for disabled people, and to help them to get active in a way that is right for them.

The background of Get Yourself Active

Insight produced to show the impacts of Coronavirus on activity levels showed us that disabled people’s activity levels were hugely impacted by the pandemic. Those with disabilities experienced a larger increase in inactivity levels. 56% of disabled people with 3 or more impairments are now inactive, rising by a worrying 11.2% from last year. 

We all need to provide additional support to help disabled people be active in the right way for them.

During lockdown, Get Yourself Active were releasing pre-recorded accessible videos. These were designed to help those living with a disability or long-term condition to get active at home. These included videos for cardio, strength, dance and more. They are still available, and can be accessed by anyone looking to get active at home.

There is also a toolkit which can be used by anyone. This is a great way to take the first steps to becoming more active.

What else?

Several barriers were identified in helping people with a disability begin to get active. Many social workers admitted they didn’t know how to talk about the benefits of physical activity to those living with a long-term condition. For this reason, a guide was created to assist social workers in discussing and encouraging physical activity.

At Active Norfolk, we appreciate that discussing physical activity can seem difficult. It can be particularly hard if the full benefits aren’t understood. However, it’s equally important that people know how physical activity can benefit them. Physical activity can help to manage and also even prevent certain long term conditions. For those reason, we’ve created our own Activity and Health section which discusses certain conditions and how physical activity can benefit them.

Share your story – or hear from others

We know how frustrating it can feel hearing about physical activity from someone who doesn’t have the same experiences as you. That’s why Get Yourself Active encourage people to share their stories. These will hopefully encourage and inspire others in a similar situation.

You could share your story if you’re currently living with a disability or long-term condition. You can help to raise awareness of the different ways of getting active. This may also help other disabled people feel empowered to take the first steps to a more active life.

Alternatively, if you are a social worker, health care worker, carer or you work in the sports sector and you help others with conditions get active, you could get in touch. Your story could be important in helping to address the barriers that those with disabilities face. It could also be the first step to tearing these barriers down.