We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Join us as we launch our new strategy

We invite you to join us on Friday 10th September at 2pm as we unveil our new five-year strategy to help more people in Norfolk enjoy the benefits of being more active.

Following months of reflection, consultation, and planning, we’re excited to launch our new strategy, Getting Norfolk Moving.

We’ve developed a short video to give you more information about how we’ll focus our work to deliver our aims. This will be launched via a premiere on Facebook, followed by a Live Q&A with Director Ben Jones.

woman stretching at home

Our strategy to get more people in Norfolk Moving

We started work on this strategy early in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. This period of upheaval and challenge showed us all how important physical activity is to our physical and mental health. And it showed us how valuable it is to our sense of belonging and community.

Against this backdrop, and looking forward to how we can collectively build back from the pandemic, we were grateful to have input from so many of our stakeholders to help us develop this strategy.

As we looked forward from the pandemic, what became clear to us was a need to articulate our vision for the future – a future where more people realise the benefits of an active lifestyle. A future where physical activity is a normal part of everyday life for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.

We realise that our vision is ambitious, and that we can’t achieve this on our own. Getting Norfolk Moving maps out how we will be focussing our efforts to make this vision a reality.

Join us for our launch event

We hope you’ll join us as we launch our short video to introduce our strategy. Visit our Launch Page to sign up to get reminders for the Facebook video premiere. Whilst you’re there, you can register to join us for one of the online drop in sessions that we’ll be holding in the next few weeks, too. Come along to you can hear more from the Active Norfolk team about how we’ll be working to realise the aims of Getting Norfolk Moving.