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School Games Consultation: Tell us what you think

Exciting changes are happening to the School Games

The Norfolk School Games is part of the national School Games. This is a government-led programme designed to inspire young people to be physically active. It encourages this through facilitating positive experiences of daily activity and competition.

The event aims to put physical activity and competitive sport at the heart of schools, whilst providing more young people with the opportunity to be regularly physically active and achieve their personal best.

The Games is organised by an operational group made up of representatives from Active Norfolk and the School Games Organisers(SGO’s) from the 8 School Sport Partnerships in the county.

However, changes are happening at the School Games, and we want to use this opportunity to improve the outcomes for Norfolk’s young people. This is where you come in.

Why is the Norfolk School Games changing?

Following reviews of the way the event is run, we’re identifying opportunities to build upon and improve the Norfolk School Games. We want every child to be able to take part and achieve their full potential. For this, we need your help.

We want to know what would make the School Games better in your eyes. Whether you’re a staff member at a participating school, a parent or a student who has taken part before, we’re keen to know what you think.

What sort of ideas are you looking for?

No idea is a bad idea. We want to know what would make the Norfolk School Games better in your eyes.

For example, we understand that a competitive style of game doesn’t always sound fun to every child. So, if you think we should scrap the competition element, then please fill in the survey below to let us know.

We’re looking for ideas that will allow us to:

How do I take part?

To take part, simply click one of the links below and fill in the short survey by 30th November 2021. We’ll then take a look at what everyone has to say and begin discussions on how to improve the event for everyone.

For more information about the games, click here.