We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Sport England funding awarded to Active Norfolk

Active Norfolk is among 40 organisations working in partnership with Sport England to receive funding to help level up access to sport and physical activity across the country.

A £2,895,000 5-year investment of government funding from Sport England has been awarded to Active Norfolk to aid their commitment in delivering change at a national and local level, as well as their ability to influence improvement throughout the sector, their own networks, and beyond. 

What will the funding be used for?

Active Norfolk will work towards achieving the goals laid out in our newest strategy “Getting Norfolk Moving.” We will focus on having strong governance and integrity, diversity of leadership and workforces and continue to create inclusive and safe cultures within sport and physical activity.

These key areas will continue to be brought to life through place-based locality teams, relationships development and partnerships in communities to help direct more national and local resources to make the biggest difference to those who would benefit the most.

“This a significant investment into the County and demonstrates Sport England’s continued commitment to our work in Norfolk. It is extremely welcome and will enable us to build on our partnership working and sustain our newly-developed capacity for key priorities such as mental health, long-term conditions and older people, active environments, young people, families and communities”.

Ben Jones, Director of Active Norfolk

Other partnerships being funded

Over £193 million is being invested, with the 43 partners including Active Norfolk being funded for up to five years. This new funding model from Sport England provides longer-term financial security as organisations recover and reinvent from the Covid-19 pandemic. 

This funding will allow partners across the country to continue in their mission of bring the physical and mental benefits of physical activity to their local communities.

Tim Hollingsworth, CEO of Sport England, said: “Sport England’s Uniting the Movement strategy aims to help everyone play sport and get active– no matter who they are, where they live, or what their background. But we know that certain groups are more likely to be inactive and need targeted support and investment. We can only innovate and tackle these inequalities effectively with collective action, recognising that this is about long-term change.”

“Active Norfolk is one of a huge number of partners we are looking to work with on exactly this over the coming years.  They play a foundational role within the sport and physical activity sector and are therefore well-placed to create the conditions for change.  They will also act as a resource for other innovative organisations with the same goals as we seek to create a more equal society with everyone benefitting from sport and physical activity.”

Find out more about Active Norfolk

Active Norfolk recently launched our new strategy which will cover the next 5 years in September 2021; ‘Getting Norfolk Moving’.

This strategy will help shape our aims and focus over the next 5 years. It also lays out our vision, which pictures a Norfolk where physical activity is the norm and is just ‘what people do’. In this vision, we lay out how physical activity should be accessible to all, regardless or age, ability or financial circumstances.

Read more about our goals and how we’re working towards achieving this by visiting our strategy page below.