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PE & Sport Premium funding to continue into next academic year

The Primary PE and Sport Premium Funding will continue into the next academic year 2022-23.

This will see £320 million being delivered to primary schools across the country, in order to secure high quality PE and sporting opportunities for children and young people.

This is fantastic news for the education sector. It provides the opportunity to make sustainable improvements within schools. This could help children develop an appreciation of physical activity from a young age. It also starts their journey towards a healthier, more active lifestyle.

At Active Norfolk, our Children and Young People team are funded to support your school in meeting the conditions of the PE and Sports Premium funding. This is so you can make the best use of it. We can evidence good use of funding that has impacted on mental health and wellbeing. We also provide bespoke guidance and support throughout the summer.

To get in touch, click the link below. Alternatively, read on to find out more about the PE and Sport Premium.

What is the PE and Sport Premium?

The PE and Sport Premium is a £320 million ring-fenced grant for primary schools across the country. It supports schools to provide sustainable improvements to the quality of their physical education, sport and activity programmes.

This funding is part of the government’s commitment to ensuring children and young people have access to at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day.

What is the funding designed for?

We know that physical activity provides countless benefits for children and young people. It supports their physical health and plays a huge role in their mental and emotional development.

This continued investment into primary schools will aim to build upon the existing agenda of using physical activity to support improved outcomes for schools and their pupils. Spending this funding effectively can make a significant difference to the health, wellbeing and future opportunities for young people, particularly those that come from a more vulnerable or disadvantaged background and could benefit most.

The PE and sport premium will continue to support schools, and I hope that upcoming events like the Women’s Euros and Commonwealth Games will inspire more young people to get active. These opportunities will give thousands more pupils access to an ambitious, enriching curriculum that not only supports them academically, but also supports their physical and mental wellbeing.

Nadhim Zahawi (Education Secretary)

How much could my school receive?

The amount each school receives is determined by their pupil numbers. The average one form entry primary school will receive around £18,000 for the academic year, in order to make sustainable improvements.

How can I spend the PE and sport premium?

The PE and sport premium must be used to make ‘additional and sustainable improvements’ to any physical activity programmes your school provides. This could mean you use the premium to:

However, the grant specifies you should not use the funding to employ coaches or specialist teachers to cover planning preparation and assessment (PPA arrangements) or teach the minimum requirements of the national curriculum.

You should target the five key indicators when planning your PE and sport premium spend:

1, Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity

This could be through encouraging active play, adopting various physical activity initiatives, or providing targeted activities to encourage the least active children.

2, Profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement

A key way to do this is through embedding physical activity into the school day. This could be achieved through active travel, active play and a more active curriculum.

3, Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

Through professional development and training, and through hiring sports coaches and specialists to work alongside teachers and enhance their existing skills in delivering physical activity.

4, Broader experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils

This could be done by introducing new sports, partnering with other school and providing more extra-curricular physical activities

5, Increased participation in competitive sport

The best way of doing this would be to increase pupil participation in the School Games. The School Games programme also received £11 million was also pledged to support the continuation of the School Games programme, to give young people the opportunity to benefit

Where can I get help and advice with the PE and sport premium?

We are thrilled to see the continuation of the PE and sport premium funding. This grant has the potential to make a huge difference to the lives of children and young people across Norfolk. It could help them live more active, healthy lifestyles from a young age.

We are committed to helping improve physical activities for children and young people across the county. Our bespoke advice service to schools, as well as online training on the PE and Sport Premium is key. We are funded to support schools in meeting the conditions of the grant. We want to help schools maximise their funding. All decisions made should impact on vulnerable young people who can benefit most.

We work throughout summer, and are keen for schools to contact us for help using their funding effectively next year.

To get in touch with our Children and Young people team and find out more, click the link below.