We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Take The Big Norfolk Holiday Fun Survey

This summer saw the successful delivery of the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme. This programme is delivered for children and young people across the county. It is funded by the government-run Holiday Activity and Food programme and run by Active Norfolk and Norfolk County Council. The aim of the programme is to get children and young people active and healthy over the school holidays.

What are the surveys for?

As the summer Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme draws to a close, we’re keen to take the time to evaluate the programme and analyse any areas for improvement. This includes getting feedback from local schools and activity providers who took part. It also includes parents and children who signed up for the programme.

The Big Norfolk Holiday Fun survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Parents who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 Love2Shop voucher.

I didn’t sign up to the summer programme, can I still take the survey?

If your child didn’t take part in the summer activities, we’d love to know the reason why. Whether it was due to availability, scheduling issues or something else, please do still take part in the survey below and let us know your thoughts.

If you’re an activity provider who is interested in being part of the next Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme, read more here.

When will the next Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme take place?

We’ll be back for winter! Starting 19th December, holiday activities will be available for children aged 5-16 in Norfolk. We’ll be announcing more details on the main page closer to the time, so be sure to bookmark this. Alternatively, you can sign up to the newsletter to be the first to hear updates.

Take the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun survey

We’d love if you could take a couple of minutes to fill in a survey about your experiences. There are different surveys for schools, activity providers and parents/children who took part. These surveys will close on Friday 23rd September.

If you are unsure which survey to take or have any questions, please get in touch. Our team will do our best to help.