We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Support your local community through Big Norfolk Holiday Fun

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun can help support, develop and also grow your local community, as shown in our latest case study.

The recently released case study shows how adopting a community focus can improve outcomes for local children. We visited Chapel Break OSC CIC, who showed us how they have been able to support their local community, by making excellent use of the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme and the funding that accompanies it.

How can the programme help local communities?

The Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme provides funding to local providers who sign up. This funding can be used to establish, improve and expand activity sessions so more children and young people may benefit from it.

There are various ways in which local communities can benefit from a wider range of opportunities:

Check out the case study

If you’re wondering how the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme can support your community, check out our newest case study.

We speak to Sara Harrison and Lesley Doy from Chapel Break; a childcare establishment which holds the local community central to everything they do.

Take a look at the highlights video below. To read the full case study, and find out more, click the button to find out more.