We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Funding available for Norfolk schools

We’re pleased to announce that funding is available for local schools in Norfolk.

This funding is designed to help schools open their existing facilities so more young people can benefit from them. It also aims to support the wider community by partnering with organisations who can help deliver physical activity within these settings.

How much funding is available and what is it for?

We’ll be welcoming funding applications for up to £5000 through this scheme. There is a three year programme, and your school could receive the approved funding amount for each year.

The funding can be used for a variety of things, but is primarily aimed to:

It can also be used for other things such as coaches fees & expenses, equipment hire and more. You can find out more on our funding page.

Who can apply?

The funding is for schools in Norfolk. If you’re a decision maker in your school, please do get in touch to see how we can help you.

The funding aims to target the four identified key groups and encourage them to participate in more physical activity:

Through using the funding amount wisely, we hope to benefit not only the above groups, but a whole host of communities who could benefit from taking part in more physical activity.

How do I apply?

We are now accepting applications for year one of funding. All applications should be in by February 17th 2023.

In order to get started, visit our funding page below and read the criteria for funding. Once you’re ready to start your application, you can get in touch through this page. One of our locality officers will then be able to help you through an application, and advise on the next steps.