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Active Norfolk join Disabled Citizens’ Inquiry launch

This month, Active Norfolk joined the Disabled Citizens’ Inquiry along with Sustrans and Transport for All to undertake UK-wide research looking at how disabled people experience walking and wheeling in the UK.

What is the Disabled Citizens’ Inquiry?

Active Norfolk, amongst various other partners we work with, hold the belief that everyone should have the right and access to walk, cycle or wheel around their local neighbourhood. This includes those living with disabilities or long-term health conditions.

Streets that are difficult for disabled people to access can lead to poor health. It can also result in reduced independence and increased isolation.

The Disabled Citizens’ Inquiry provides recommendations made by disabled people. This is to help decision-makers, local and national government transport and planning teams make places and streets better for people.

What solutions have been suggested?

The Disabled Citizens’ Inquiry shares recommendations from disabled people.

These solutions aim to make communities and neighbourhoods more accessible and inclusive for disabled people.

The recommendations are as follows.

  • Ensure disabled people inform walking and wheeling policy and practice
  • Create long-term dedicated pavement funding to maintain and improve pavements (whilst stopping pavement parking and managing pavement clutter)
  • Improve walking and wheeling crossing points across roads and cycle paths, and ensure disabled people have the choice to live within walking/wheeling distance of services and amenities
  • Make wayfinding and journey-planning tools work for disabled people and aim to improve the integration of walking and wheeling with public transport
  • Increasing access to mobility aids and improve off-road routes.


The design of our streets, our neighbourhoods, and the opportunity to access our public spaces all contribute to how active we are in our daily lives. The inquiry and the report clearly outlines the challenges for residents, and identifies solutions and recommendations to improve things. We were pleased to be part of the workshop and believe the voice of those who have lived experience in this area should be used to guide and inform going forward

Through our On The Move project, we work with young disabled people to review community facilities. Their feedback and opinions help us to design areas of work within Active Norfolk, whilst supporting us to make our work and outputs more accessible.

Charlotte Collins, Active Environments Team

What can be done specifically in Norwich?

We heard several suggestions for improvements in Norwich, from those directly impacted by inaccessible streets.

You can watch the video from Sustrans below summarising the main findings from the workshop. You can also read Rachael’s story where she shares her personal challenges on local journeys.

Active Norfolk are keen to support on improving accessibility across the county. We will continue to support local initiatives and work closely with our disability focus groups. This is in order to identify and address areas for improvement.

For more information on the Disabled Citizens’ Inquiry, visit the Sustrans website below.