We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Active Norfolk one of 12 Active Partnerships selected to help create a framework for physical activity pathways

Active Norfolk is one of 12 Active Partnerships to be selected to work with physical activity specialist Move Consulting to unlock greater consistency in the delivery of high-quality physical activity pathways to support people’s health and wellbeing.

Creating a framework for physical activity pathways

The initial phase of the project will run up until April 2023. This is thanks to funding from the Live Longer Better (LLB) movement. This was secured through the LLB Active Partnerships and the Active Partnerships national team.

The project will include the delivery of a focused, placed based consultation with health and physical activity stakeholders. It also includes the wider review of existing practices across the 12 Active Partnerships throughout England. This is so we can better understand the current state of play relating to the delivery of physical activity pathways.

The consultation and review will help identify a clear picture of the environment, conditions, and practices that professionals and providers are employing, as well as highlighting the core design characteristics, common practice and challenges faced by professionals and providers.

”We are very pleased to be part of this project. One of Active Norfolk’s strategic aims is to contribute towards better health and wellbeing outcomes for Norfolk, and with physical inactivity as a leading risk factor for long-term health conditions, we feel we can be part of a solution.

We have already made great strides in Norfolk through the Active NoW programme of work. It is our hope that this initiative will support us to grow the Active NoW programme of work, and create a robust infrastructure around physical activity and health.

Ryan Hughes, Health Strategic Lead for Active Norfolk

What’s next?

By using the insight generated, and engaging with wider national partners, we aim to build a Physical Activity Framework. This will outline the common practices, tools, and resources available to support in the development and delivery of Physical Activity for Health Pathways.

We believe this will provide much needed support to relieve the pressures on health and social care. It will do this by achieving greater efficiencies in the delivery of high-quality physical activity services. It also aims to improve experiences for people with long-term health conditions and chronic diseases.

More information will be shared about this project and future stages of development in due course. 

Give us your opinion

If you are part of the health and care workforce, we would love to hear what you think.

We want to gain insights into the role practices and their staff can play in supporting patients to be physically active.

The survey below includes questions about where advocating physical activity fits into your role, your knowledge, confidence and barriers to encouraging patients to be physically active, and what support might enable you to promote physical activity more in the future