We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Our Board

The Active Norfolk Board

Active Norfolk’s Board provides strategic direction and oversight for our organisation, and comprises a diverse team with up to 12 members drawn from a diverse range sectors including local government, economic development, health, and the private sector. All our Board members are appointed for the value they bring to our work.

Their overall aims and objectives are:

  • To set the values, strategic direction and policy of Active Norfolk
  • To advocate for sport and physical activity, and for Active Norfolk
  • To ensure Active Norfolk is fit for purpose
  • To advise on the annual business plan and associated budget, and receive performance management information
  • To scrutinise Active Norfolk’s governance, risk management, financial management, strategy implementation and delivery team performance
  • To manage the Board recruitment process

The Board is committed to encouraging partnership working between agencies to maximise the effectiveness of our organisation and our ability to maximise health outcomes for the people of Norfolk.

Scroll down to see more about the board members, or click the link below to read the latest minutes.

Active Norfolk’s Board

This section is about Active Norfolk’s Board. If you’re looking for information about our team, visit the Staff page for more information.

We are committed to achieving gender parity and greater diversity generally (including BAME, disability, and LGBT) across the Board and the senior leadership of the organisation.