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Physical Activity Guidelines

Physical Activity Guidelines

These physical activity guidelines lay out how active you should be in your daily life.

As a general rule, children should aim for 60 minutes of physical activity a day, whilst adults should aim for 150 minutes a week. The same rules apply for those with disabilities and most health conditions, though the way in which you get active may differ.

These physical activity guidelines originates from Public Health England, and is shared by most health professionals as a way of ensuring you’re healthy.

Check the documents below for specific advice on how and why getting active might benefit you. If you’re looking for further insight on the benefits of physical activity, you can check out our Insight section for research and case studies.

For adults

For advice and guidance on starting your active journey as an adult, start with the Active at Home section. We’ve got some basic exercises to get you started.

If you’re an older adult or one with a health condition such as Arthritis, the same rule applies. However you might find it easier to complete exercise in 10 minute sections. Visit the Vulnerable Adults page for exercises and guidance on getting active when older.

For more information on getting activity with a disability, visit our Disability section. We have programmes such as On The Move and On The Move Outdoors. For guidance on getting active with a specific health condition, check out the Health section for tailored advice.

For more information on exercising whilst pregnant, check out the Healthy Pregnancy page.

Physical activity guidelines and resources for children

The following leaflets were provided by the Greater Manchester School Readiness Physical Development Task and Finish group with leadership from Stockport Council.

To find more information about the benefits of kids being physically active, check out the Active Kids section.