We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Equality & Inclusivity

Equality and Inclusivity Insight

Updated March 2022

The following reports provide insight into the impacts of physical activity, and health benefits for those living with a disability. They highlight the importance of equality and inclusivity when delivering services and projects. They also focus on just how this can be achieved.

The reports at the bottom also highlight the importance of inclusivity for the under-represented priority groups as identified by Sport England’s Together Fund.

Take a look through, and feel free to make use of the following insight. If you’re unable to find a specific study, or need help, get in touch at the bottom of the page.

Girl doing yoga
Equality and Inclusivity: On The Move Session

Understanding and addressing inequalities in physical activity


For more resources on making sports and physical activity accessible for all, check out the disability resources page.

Physical activity in disabled children and disabled young people

Findings of a rapid evidence review into the health benefits and potential risks of physical activity for children and young people who have disabilities.

BAME Communities: Why equality is so crucial

The following reports give sports providers ways to engage with BAME communities that often face disadvantages and social exclusion due to several factors.

Disadvantaged communities

Making coaches aware of people from deprived communities that can often be marginalised, and are not given the same opportunities as everyone else to access positive experiences in sport.

Project Delivery

How to include everyone in your coaching sessions. There are fact sheets and also some statistics to back this up below.

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Unable to find what you’re looking for? We’re here to help. Simply get in touch with our insight team and we’ll try and point you in the right direction.