We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Women and Girls Insight

Women and Girls Insight

According to Sport England only 31.6% of women and girls play sport at least once a week, compared to 41.7% of men.

Nationally, 13 million women said they wanted to play more sport. Nearly half of these are currently inactive.

The following insight explores the motivations and attitudes of women to sport, as well as the barriers they may face in being physically active.

Exercise class for women and girls
Mother playing with baby

Women in sport

If you are unable to find specific information below, consider reviewing the Women In Sport publication page, which contains insight entirely dedicated to women and girls. Alternatively, get in touch with our insight team for help.

Project Delivery

When planning a project or service, consider making use of the following insight to inform your decisions.

Women and girls coaching tips

Contact us:

If you’ve been unable to find what you’re looking for, or need help, please get in touch. Our insight team will be able to advise on other studies, or help you understand and implement the findings above into your work.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for further resources to help women get physically active, take a look at This Girl Can. This is a programme dedicated to promoting the benefits of physical activity for women.

Rachel Cooke

Insight & Evaluation Officer

  • Data collection and analysis
  • Process and programme evaluation
  • Research and insight

[email protected]
01603 731565