We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Coaching and Volunteering Insight

Coaching and Volunteering Insight

The following insight focuses on workforce data; here meaning anyone working in the coaching or volunteering sector.

The following files will help you to effectively set goals to plan and successfully deliver a project or series of sessions. They focus on findings and surveys from previous coaches and volunteers, and draw suggestions for improvement from previous research.

If you’re looking for resources, including training development for coaches and volunteers, click here.

Alternatively, if you’re unable to find what you’re looking for, get in touch and we’ll try our best to help.

Hockey volunteer
Workforce sports volunteer

Sport England resources

The following bits of workforce insight are provided by Sport England, and focus on the importance of volunteering and coaching in an active nation. For more Sport England insight, check here.


UK Coaching commissioned YouGov to survey 20,000 adults and 1,000 children in 2017.

The primary aim of the survey was to explore the participant experience of receiving coaching and the experience of being a coach. This survey also asked members of public their views of coaches and coaching in general.

Below you can find a pack containing the coach, participant and public survey results.

Sports Coach UK

Sports Coach UK conducted research with adults taking part, or contemplating taking part, in sport or physical activity.

The aim of the research was to understand their perceptions of coaching and how coaching might help them to get and stay active.

Contact us:

If you’ve not found what you’re looking for or need help, get in touch with our insight team. You can also find more resources for coaches and volunteers here.