We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Strategy Launch

Find out about our new strategy to get Norfolk moving

We are really excited to unveil our new five-year strategy, Getting Norfolk Moving.

We’ve developed a short video which gives you more information about our approach and our priority areas of work to deliver the aims of Getting Norfolk Moving. This strategy has been in development since early 2020 and is a result of months of hard work and valued input from stakeholders and partners.

We launched our new strategy on Friday 10 September

Thanks to everyone who attended the launch, and joined in with our live Q+A with Ben. There were some great questions asked! If you missed the session, you can watch it back here.

You can now read the published strategy documents below.

Drop in sessions

boy walks to school

Throughout September, we held several drop-in sessions to answer all questions about the new strategy. Thank you to everyone who attended these! If you were unable to make it but have a question, you can still get in touch and we’ll do our best to address your query.