We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

20-Minute Neighbourhoods

20-Minute Neighbourhoods

three women walking down street with umbrella

The layout of our communities impacts our health

The Town and Country Planning Association partnered with Sport England to create the 20 Minute Neighbourhood guide for local planning authorities.

It outlines a set of principles for success to address the important “place” characteristics that impact on our health.

Key features of 20-Minute Neighbourhoods

  • A range of diverse and affordable homes
  • Well connected paths, streets, and open spaces
  • Schools are at the heart of our communities
  • Good green spaces are in the right places
  • Food is produced locally
  • Jobs and money are kept local
  • Community health and wellbeing facilities are accessible to all
  • The neighbourhood is a place for all ages
20 minute neighbourhoods information graphic

We will support local planning authorities, designers, and developers to implement the principles of 20 Minute Neighbourhoods. Using these principles we’ll be helping to create more compact and connected neighbourhoods that make it easy and attractive to walk and cycle.