We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun Knowledge Hub

All you need to deliver a Big Norfolk Holiday Fun activity

The Big Norfolk Holiday Fun Knowledge Hub contains everything you need to put on a Big Norfolk Holiday Fun session.

On this page, you’ll find the stakeholder pack and materials you can use over the holidays.

You’ll also find out information about the Every Move activity finder, how to sign up, and how to make the best use of it.

This page is for providers who have already completed the sign up process.

What are you looking for?

Before you dive into the knowledge hub, make sure you’re set up as a provider. We recommend you follow each of these steps to get the most out of the programme.

Everything you need once you’ve become a Big Norfolk Holiday Fun provider

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun aims to provide positive experience for children and young people across Norfolk. They’ll be given the opportunity to try something new, and meet new people, whilst being given an incentive to get out and about during the holidays.

Make sure you download the below resources. They contain everything you’ll need to promote your activities over the holidays.

Your account on the Every Move activity finder: New for 2024!

We are pleased to announce that the Every Move platform has undergone some changes for 2024. Some improvements to the platform include:

All providers should have a profile on this system.

If you experience any issues or cannot find what you’re looking for through this knowledge hub, get in touch with the Every Move team by emailing [email protected].

Request printed promotional materials

The request window for printed materials for the summer period has now closed. We will be reopening this for winter once the summer programme has come to a close.

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