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Big Norfolk Holiday Fun Provider FAQs

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun Provider FAQs

On this page you can find answers to some of the most common provider questions around the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme. Please note, this page is for activity providers. If you are a parent looking to book your child onto an activity session, click here.

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please email [email protected].

To be a provider, you must

  • Provide activities for children aged 5-16 years in Norfolk
  • Run in the Summer, Winter and/or Easter holidays
  • Be inclusive and able to accommodate SEND needs
  • *Be a current member of The Safer Programme
  • Be able to provide a hot meal as part of your offer. (Cold meals are only accepted where a hot meal is unable to be provided because of the choice of location)

You must also have the following up to date documentation:

  • Safeguarding policy
  • DBS checked staff
  • Public Liability insurance (ideally to £5million)
  • Mobile Phone Policy
  • Up to date First Aiders in your delivery staff
  • Risk assessment which includes your venue and activity you will run
  • *Food Hygiene Level 2 certification for your delivery staff

*The Big Norfolk Holiday team can assist you in accessing these for free.

Providers who offer activities for 12-16 year olds; SEND; or swimming and cycling are especially welcome.


Applications for Easter are closed; Summer and Winter applications 2025 are being considered- please email [email protected] to be added to our mailing list or for more information as it becomes available.

The funding for the programme is paid on a sessional basis. There is no upper or lower limit but you will be asked for a breakdown of costs by staffing; venue hire, food, admin and marketing, and must justify these when you apply.

We may offer a different number of places or sessions than you apply for.

Our team will confirm all funding with you prior to your activities starting.

The funding covers:

  • Food, including snacks and drinks for the funded children
  • Staffing
  • Venue hire
  • Marketing (see Marketing section for further details)
  • Administrative costs to ensure your time for data collection
  • Enrichment activity items such as for craft or cookery
  • 121 staffing and transport costs for the funded children- in prior agreement /application with the BNHF team
  • Safer Programme membership
  • Level 2 Hygiene rating on request
  • Regular drop in events with free training opportunities, networking, and funding updates
  • Transport as part of organised trips

Funding does not cover

  • Transport costs for staff or volunteers
  • Food, drinks or snacks for staff or any other supporting adults (eg at family events)
  • Safeguarding training/other associated staff training costs
  • Generic items for your business not directly and exclusively for the delivery of the BNHF programme; eg if you run a football club, we will not pay for new footballs

If you are a new provider, or have a substantial offer across multiple sites, your application will be considered at a funding panel and there may be some additional questions and clarifications to respond to before a decision is made.

Yes. The funding is for an offer that includes a healthy meal. This should be a hot meal wherever possible. Only providing snacks or a repetitive offer of cold food such as a pre-bought sandwich is not acceptable.

It is mandatory for delivery staff to have a Food Hygiene Level 2 Certificate to serve any food.

The food business you use must be registered with the Food Standards Agency and be either awaiting inspection or have a rating of 3 stars or more to be acceptable.

You are asked to list your food costs in your application.  You may wish to do this per head, or combine the food costs with the nutritional education element (e.g. the children cook or prepare their own food.)

Please look to minimise waste food wherever possible.

There are many opportunities to include ways to discuss healthy eating and lifestyle choices with the children as part of your programme.  You do not need to ‘teach’ any prescribed information. The government website suggestions include:

  • Getting children involved in food preparation and cooking
  • Growing fruit and vegetables
  • Taste tests
  • Discussing food and nutrition
  • Including food and nutrition in other activities

There are many resources online, and once you become a provider you can access our resource bank.  You will be invited to drop-in provider sessions, and will have the chance to get tips from other providers who are already part of the programme.


Visit the government’s website, which contains all the information you need relating to school food standards: Standards for school food in England – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

You will automatically be on our mailing list once you are a provider and will have access to free online training and networking opportunities. If you need further support, please contact [email protected] and let us know as soon as possible.

We ask that you aim for at least 4 days a week for the holiday period, but if you cannot deliver for four days, you can still be part of the programme.

A session should be 4 hours as a minimum (at least half a day).

In that 4 hours, you must have at least 1 hour of physical activity, an offer or enrichment activities, a healthy meal, and the opportunity for the children to learn about healthy eating.

Your offer should be sustainable; you should have a plan on how you will reduce food waste and be environmentally friendly.

There are three types of places available on Big Norfolk Holiday Fun activities:

  • Free School Meal (FSM) funded place: The programme is aimed at means-tested FSM children who receive means-tested free school meals, so the majority of places offered should go to them.
  • Paid-for places: A small number of places can be reserved for paid places, where parents will pay for their child to attend. However, we would expect the majority of places to go to FSM children and it is essential there is no difference in the offer you make to those on the funded or the paid for places. This ‘blended’ offer is a good way to prevent stigmatising the FSM children.
  • Referred or Awarded: Only a small amount of the overall funding is for other categories of vulnerable children who would benefit from a free place, but providers should be aware this covers a wide criteria. For these places, a professional who works with the child such as social workers, foster carers, police or school staff can formally apply on their behalf using the referral system in place.  Providers can also refer children if they know the family or child.

All Big Norfolk Holiday Fun providers should make use of the Every Move activity finder to list your activities and take bookings. You can also take payments through this for regular paid spaces. (Please note that any fees incurred for using the payment option on Every Move will be your responsibility.)

The Active Norfolk team will check your set up correctly before we launch.

A child must be both entitled to and accessing means-tested free school meals to get a free place.  Therefore, home-schooled children need to be referred in for a free place, even if they are entitled to these.

All children from reception to Year 2 get universal free school meals. This is not the same as means-tested free school meals and parents/carers should be encouraged to apply for means-tested even if they already receive universal.

Families can find out if they are eligible and can apply to register their child for means-tested free school meals via the NCC website (apply for free school meals)

Always encourage parents to check and apply using the link above.

Referrals from professionals who are aware and working with the child in question, such as social workers, foster carers, police or school staff, or providers with good prior knowledge of the child should complete the referral form as soon as possible. We cannot accept self referrals from parents.

To refer a child, fill in this form.

To stay up to date with the HAF programme, you will be invited to attend the monthly HAF drop-in sessions which will provide you with updates and changes regarding the programme. In addition, you will receive weekly newsletters with the latest reminders and signposting to support your work.

Every Move Activity Finder FAQs

The Every Move activity finder has been developed by Active Norfolk, and is the official booking system for Big Norfolk Holiday Fun.

Through this system, you can list your activities and the public can search and book on easily. You can also set up paid places for those not eligible for means-tested free school meals, and register through our Stripe account to receive payments.

For more information on how to sign up and list your activities, watch our Every Move support video. If you have any troubleshooting issues visit the Knowledge Hub for our support guide.

The benefit to you

  • Less administration: Online bookings will be visible to the NCC team, and email notifications sent directly to your inbox and attendance sheets automatically generated.
  • Online payments: Paid Non-HAF placements can be made online and will go straight into your bank account.
  • Improved provider functionality: The ability to manage and cancel bookings on your own activities.
  • Integrated comms: The ability to send out auto generated emails/texts to people signed up to your activities through the system.
  • ‘Featured activities’ function: Allowing us to highlight any activities that might need a bit of an extra push.
  • Activity duplication option: Create your own activity template and duplicate it with ease to save having to input all the details again.
  • Improved analytics: Easily filter and export your activity reports.

The benefit to users

  • One solution: We have created a single booking solution for families so they can manage all of their children’s holiday activities in one place. Users will be able to see a summary of their booked activities.
  • Alerts and emails: Parents can receive an alert to their activities for the upcoming week.
  • New waiting list function: Ability to add your email to a waiting list and be notified if a space becomes available.
  • Bespoke BNHF search page: Customers can find activities much easier.
  • Improved analytics: Easily filter and export your activity reports.
  • Improved interface and user journey: Overall reduced number of glitches and easier-to-use interface to save time when setting up and managing your account.

The benefit to us

  • Increased visibility: Gives us an up-to-date picture of uptake and spaces available, this will help us support you to fill your places.
  • Funding requirements: Improved reporting to support our funding obligations.
  • Data: The mandatory data required for the programme is collected automatically when parents book, making it easier and safer to share information.

All providers are required to use Every Move to promote their activities, even when you take bookings on another site. The only exception is when funding is for a closed provision not open to the public, therefore not requiring advertising.

If you cannot use the Every Move booking system, for any reason you must notify the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun team. The amount we can pay you upfront is determined by whether you use Every Move to take bookings.

We will let providers know the opening date of each programme in plenty of time for you to get activities listed.

Here are the questions that are gathered from users:

    • Attendee First name*
    • Attendee Surname*
    • Date of birth*
    • Gender*
    • Postcode*
    • Dietary requirements (including allergies)*
    • SEND* – yes or no
    • Learning needs, personality, health notes and adjustments needed or any concerns
    • Select all the reasons for this child’s HAF eligibility: free school meal recipient (FSM), home*
    • Name of school*
    • Special school – yes or no
    • Consent for photography*
    • Emergency contact*

An asterisk * indicates a required field 

Every Move resources can be accessed on the Knowledge Hub.

You can find out more about setting up your account and activities in this video.

We also have dedicated Every Move Provider Support. Please email: [email protected] if you have questions related to the set-up of your activities.

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Get in touch

If you don’t see the answer to your question, or you would like to arrange a call to speak with someone about the Big Norfolk Holiday Fund in more detail, please drop us a line.

Get in touch