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Opening Schools Facilities Funding in Norfolk

teenage girl playing dodgeball in a school

Funding available for schools in Norfolk

The Opening Schools Facilities (OSF) funding was designed to help schools open their existing facilities so more young people can benefit. It also aims to support the wider community by partnering with organisations who can help deliver physical activity within these settings.

Applications have now closed.

What was the Opening Schools Facilities funding designed for?

The Opening Schools Facilities (OSF) funding can be used for a variety of things, but is primarily aimed at encouraging schools to offer up physical activity opportunities outside normal school hours (e.g. evenings, weekends and holidays – though SEND provision can take place during lunchtimes).

We also want to increase swimming activities focussing on swimming and water safety, taking place both during and outside the school day. This can be for your own pupils but should also be offered to pupils at other local schools.

We will distribute funding via a grant scheme, aimed at promoting physical activity to those who find it challenging to access opportunities and achieve the daily recommended levels of physical activity.

Who are the target audiences for this funding?

The OSF funding is targeted at four audiences identified as those who would benefit most:

• People from lower socioeconomic communities

• Disabled people and those with long term health conditions

• Women and girls

• People from culturally diverse communities

Though in using the funding wisely, we would hope to benefit entire communities looking to participate in more physical activity.

What can and cannot be funded?

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about the funding for schools in Norfolk. Please also see the application requirements section for further information.

If you still have questions after reading these, please get in touch using the form at the bottom of the page.

How long is the Opening Schools Facilities funding period?

Opening Schools Facilities (OSF) funding is a three year project running from April 2022 – March 2025. Please note, applications are now closed.

Apr ’23 – Mar ’24

Applications for this period have now closed.

April ’24 – March ’25

You must have applied for the April ’23 funding period in order to qualify for this round of funding. We will allow updates to your funding application closer to the time.

Opening Schools Facilities Application requirements

Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the following requirements before making your application.

Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the following requirements before making your application.

  • Programmes must be co-designed with young people from your school / local community.
  • Programmes must provide opportunities for continued participation following the end of the funded provision. We would expect you to signpost participants to the same or similar activities in your local community, following the end of their participation in the programme.
  • Programmes must include community engagement (including co-designing with community organisations / local young people).
  • Youth leadership and volunteering opportunities should be considered and incorporated.
  • Minimum of a 12-week programme for indoor and outdoor facilities – with opportunities to continue after the initial period (Year 1 is exempt from this due to timescales).
  • Minimum of a 6-week programme for swimming and water safety activities – with opportunities to continue after the initial period (Year 1 is exempt from this due to timescales).
  • Indoor and outdoor activities can be delivered before school, after school, evenings, weekends and holidays (not including current curriculum or extra curriculum school activities).
  • Swimming activities can be delivered both during the school day, before and after school, evenings, weekends and holidays.
  • Activities can be delivered in holidays, in conjunction with HAF and other programmes, but must target new participants.

Please note: your safeguarding procedures will need to cover any activities included as part of your application.  Health and safety should also be a consideration in your planning.

Get started with your application

Please note, applications have now closed. If you would like to get in touch with the team to discuss an existing application, or would like to be signposted to further funding opportunities, email info@activenorfolk.org