We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Resources for Healthcare Professionals

Resources for Health and Social Care Professionals

These resources are to help healthcare professionals talk to their patients about the benefits of physical activity.

Physical activity is an essential tool to keep our minds and bodies healthy and well. Moving our bodies regularly is important, no matter our age or ability.

If you’re working in health or social care, this resource bank can help you engage people in physical activity.

General healthcare professionals resources for physical activity

In this section you’ll find a range of helpful signposting resources relating to physical activity, health and wellbeing. You’ll also find resources to help you promote physical activity in your surgery or clinic for the wellbeing of staff and patients.

Healthcare professionals resources for Active Ageing

Just because we get older doesn’t mean that we should stop moving. In fact, the Chief Medical Officer recommends that older adults still get 150 minutes of exercise per week, but with a focus on specific activities such as balance, core strength, and flexibility. In this section you’ll find some top-notch physical activity resources designed specifically for older audiences.

We’ve also got a section on our website dedicated to Falls Prevention, which contains useful exercise videos you can access for free, as well as a section on Dementia and a whole range of dementia and activity related resources.

Resources for Long-Term Health Conditions

Reducing sedentary time and moving more is important for our health and wellbeing. Having a health condition doesn’t change the benefits that movement brings to our bodies, but it does create understandable physical and mental barriers to activity.

In this section you’ll find links to condition-specific resources relating to physical activity and long-term health conditions including disabilities. This should help healthcare professionals to freely discuss long-term health conditions and activity.

We also have a whole section on our site dedicated to Activity and Health, where you can find a range of physical activity advice and resources related to a number of long-term health conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer, and more. The Activity and Health section contains information suitable for both patients and healthcare professionals.