We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Community Investment: Together Fund

The Fund

Sport England’s Phase 4 of The Together Fund was a dedicated initiative designed to support voluntary community organisations in their recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The initiative targeted four key audiences: lower socio-economic groups, culturally diverse communities, disabled individuals, and people with long-term health conditions. Its focus was on enabling Norfolk providers to effectively connect with and engage these target audiences in physical activity and movement.

The programme concluded September 2023 and below you can find some of the key reflections, insights and stories gathered.

Cancer Support Group
Breckland Cancer Support

Data insights for Together Fund

We ensuring that the Together Fund grants are allocated effectively to support the recovery and promotion of physical activity in the community.

Impact Summary

In its last year of funding, the Together Fund has witnessed the successful realisation of numerous projects and community activities. Participating organisations have expressed their gratitude for the fund, which has allowed them to reach and engage with under-represented groups effectively.

The period of funding has facilitated the establishment of valuable knowledge and connections, leading many providers to consider expanding their services and support.

Dance To Health

An impressive 98.5% of organisations have rated their experience of working with Active Norfolk as 4-5 out of 5. This high rating underscores the value of our collaborations with partners, which have been integral to the success of our funding initiatives.

The feedback and insights we’ve gathered from these partnerships will inform the design of our future projects. Key themes that have emerged from our partnerships include the transparency and efficiency of our application process, and our commitment to open communication. These aspects have been appreciated by our partners and have contributed to the smooth operations of their projects. Furthermore, the expertise of our multi-disciplinary teams has been recognised as a valuable resource. In summary, our partnerships have proven to be mutually beneficial, highlighting the significant impact of effective collaborations.

The Together Fund has had a substantial positive impact on various organisations. It has provided recognition for community work, increased opportunities for physical activity, attracted new participants, and facilitated upskilling within organisations. The fund has also boosted confidence in delivering sport and physical activities, fostered new partnerships, and aided in securing additional funding.

Furthermore, it has improved financial performance and helped organisations navigate the challenges of the pandemic. Additional benefits include enhancements in facilities and equipment, strengthened networking and staffing, and increased sustainability of projects. The project has been well-received by both participants and staff, indicating the fund’s significant role in fostering community development and resilience.

The Together Fund demonstrated a promising level of sustainability. When providers were asked if the one-off funding allowed them to create a sustainable program of activity, 54% responded affirmatively, while 33% were uncertain, and only 13% said no. Several factors contribute to this sustainability. Firstly, the funding has enabled staff upskilling, with personnel now trained to continue running sessions even after the funding has ceased. Secondly, it has facilitated the acquisition of high-quality exercise equipment that will serve students for the next decade. Thirdly, it has fostered an exchange of knowledge, providing the workforce with fresh ideas from external sources to implement moving forward. Lastly, sustainability plans have been put in place. These elements collectively enhance the sustainability of the programmes supported by the Together Fund.

The Together Fund has shown that community funding, even in small amounts, can have a significant impact. It enabled relationships within the community to develop and ensured resources were allocated to those with the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to address physical activity inequalities. This had led to improved and more accessible local services. Furthermore, it has aided providers in making sustainable enhancements to their offerings and promotes community leadership.