We’re thrilled to share our new Impact Report for 2023-24! See what we’ve been up to.

Promotional Health Materials

Physical Activity and Health Promotional Materials

Active Norfolk has developed a range of promotional materials to reinforce positive health messaging within COVID-19 vaccination centres.

The physical activity and health messages focus on mental and physical health, prevention and resilience, and boosting health protection from the COVID-19 vaccine. These resources have been designed for display in vaccination centres, and would also be appropriate for community pharmacies.

Order your materials by 16th July. This material is being offered free of charge, on a first come first served basis, to help support positive health outcomes for the public.

What materials can I order?

We have the following materials designed and available to order:

Pop Up Poster – a portable pull-up poster that you can position anywhere

A5 leaflets (pack of 100) – single sided leaflet to display in a leaflet holder. (Leaflet holder is not provided)

Large format double-sided poster. These posters are designed for large shopfront windows, and hung using suction cups. Use to display messaging inside and outside of the centre. Four size options available:

  • 6 sheet – 1800mm wide x 1200mm high
  • 4 sheet – 1016mm wide x 1524mm high
  • A0 – 841mm wide x 1189mm high
  • A1: 594mm wide x 841mm high

Reception screen images (includes 150 minutes, Cancer, Mental Health, Dementia, Falls Prevention, Healthy Pregnancy, and Chronic Pain)

Digital pack (includes the above posters and A5 leaflet in digital format for you to print yourself or distribute electronically). These do not need to be ordered via the form, you can download these below.

We also have a limited supply of Exercise at Home packs, which are designed to support those who are new to exercise to be active at home. Contents includes: 20-page illustrative exercise booklet, resistance band, Sitting Room Circuits DVD, and top tips to reduce sedentary time at home leaflet.

Example of Large Format physical activity poster

Digital copies of promotional materials

Digital copies of our promotional materials are available free of charge. You can download these below and use them as you wish – whether this means distributing them digitally or printing them out and displaying them.

Place your order by Friday 16th July

Please use the order form below to request the promotional items that you require. We can provide these items free of charge on a first come first served basis, and orders will close on Friday 16th July.

If you require digital copies of the materials, you can download these immediately without placing an order. If you require physical materials, please fill in the form to order these.

Once we receive your order request we will confirm via email if we can fulfil your order in full, and provide you with an estimated delivery date.

If you would like to order for multiple locations at once, you can use this bulk order form and email it to us at [email protected].

Order Form

    Please use the checklist below to request the type of promotional materials you require:

    Please confirm the size of the large format poster you require. Dimensions are provided in Width x Height.

    We have a limited number of Exercise at Home packs that can be provided for you to display or make available to those who would benefit from exercise support at home. Please use the space below to confirm how many packs you would like (up to 200 packs).

    Delivery Options
    Please confirm your preferred delivery option: