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Norfolk School Streets

Norfolk School Streets

Norfolk School Streets are timed road closures around selected schools in Norfolk. During pick-up and drop off times, certain roads will be closed to vehicles in order to allow children to travel safely to and from their school.

The Norfolk School Streets programme is a trial which aims to make the journey to and from school safer and more pleasant.

This trial, run by Norfolk County Council in partnership with Sustrans aims to improve the school journey for children, parents/carers and the local community.

The next stage of the trial is subject to funding, and cannot be confirmed at this time. Please note, Norfolk County Council are not accepting new schools at this point in time.

Dad and two daughters walking home from school

What are School Streets?

School Streets are timed road closures around selected schools in Norfolk. These road closures aim to restrict vehicle access during drop-off and pick up times. During certain times, vehicles will not be permitted to enter the School Street unless they are exempt.

The School Streets initiative was trialled here in Norfolk as it has been successful at cutting congestion around schools and boosting the number of children and parents cycling, walking, and wheeling to school elsewhere in the country.

The pilot has seen a lot of support from residents and parents and has already provided some very useful feedback. The Council will carefully consider the effectiveness and impact of School Streets before determining next steps.

Dad and young daughter walking
Two teenagers walking to school
Young people walking and cycling into school

What are the benefits of School Streets?

We appreciate that any change will come with concerns. However, School Streets can provide many benefits to our communities and the health and wellbeing of our children and young people. These include:

Click on any of the above benefits to find out more!

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Previous School Streets Case Studies

School Streets started in 2015 in Scotland. Since then, School Streets have grown hugely with over 400 now in operation or trialled.

Other parts of the country have had positive results from their trials.

What trials occurred in Norfolk?

The first trial phase has come to an end, and no further schools are being accepted at this time. Below are the schools that were suggested for a trial.


Certain vehicles are exempt from the School Street and can drive within the closure area at walking pace. Exemptions include residents, business staff and customers, blue badge holders, emergency services, taxis and carers.

Tax disk style exemption permits were issued to residents and regular visitors to the School Street before the trial began.

Get in touch

The School Streets scheme is a trial so is yet to determine whether additional schools will be implemented. However, if the decision is made to extend the scheme an expression of interest form will be made available online.  The next stage of the trial is subject to funding and NCC is not considering any additional schools at this point in time.

For further questions, please contact SusTrans below. Please do not contact Active Norfolk as we do not manage this project.

School Streets Team

To answer all your school streets queries

[email protected]